It all started in 2018 when I started community college, not really knowing what direction I wanted to go in. All I know is I wanted to further my nursing career. After a year of classes at the community college, I discovered a university that had an accelerated program. Within the program, you can get a 4-year baccalaureate degree in 3 years. This was perfect for me. I applied immediately.
Attending nursing school is the hardest thing I have ever done. It tested me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I spent so many sleepless nights, studying and making note after note after note. I don’t think I ever want to see another index card – EVER, lol. Being an LPN already definitely did help, but I still had my struggles. There were a few times I wanted to quit, many times I would find myself crying, and other times I questioned why I am doing this to myself. But I never gave up… I just pushed through.
Fast forward to April 2023. I graduated with flying colors. It was a beautiful moment. I was so proud of myself and so was everyone around me. Since then, I have been patiently waiting and waiting for my turn to take my state boards. I FINALLY took my state boards in February 2024. At 85 questions, the test turned off. I was scared. I was positive I failed. No way the test knows at the minimum amount of questions that I passed. Well, sure enough. I PASSED! I AM A REGISTERED NURSE!!! OFFICIALLY!